Exciting changes to the clinic!

Its now been 3 years since I opened the little laser clinic in an outbuilding in my garden… Oh how things how changed!

I cannot tell you how hard I’ve worked to build the clinic up to what it is today and I’m nowhere near finished!!

We have grown in many ways so its now time to make a few exciting changes!

The first being our opening times. I am pleased to say we are now open every Saturday from November onwards. We will be tweaking our late week night opening hours too.. Please don’t panic if you cannot do anything other than a late evening. I will try my best to cater to everyone’s needs, however please understand I have a family with young children so if you can do weekends or earlier that would really be amazing!

We now have a business number rather than my mobile number! Very cool!

01621 493088

The next exciting change is our name! We have outgrown The little laser clinic as we are no longer so little! You will find out more about the new name very soon!

We have partnered up with an AMAZING business that specialise in the most indulgent luxury facials! We cannot wait to show you more!!!

Last but not least! I now have an amazing part-time receptionist to help me with all the background admin etc. Clare is so lovely, I cant wait for you all to meet her. She will be working Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays to start with so please bare with us whilst she settles in!

I am so so grateful for each and every ones support through my business growth journey. I cannot wait to bring you all along the ride with me!

Lots of love

Ellie x